
National Sports Association (Main Body for Billiards, Pool & Snooker)


To emerge and sustain ourselves as a major sport through good management and effective programs.


To attain our vision through athlete-centric programs that create pathways to competitive achievement and beyond.


  • To act as the sole controlling and governing body of the games of Billiards, Snooker, Pool and Carom and any other game(s) played on a Billiards, Pool or Carom Table in Singapore , and to draw up or adopt from any accredited source the Rules and Regulations for such games.
  • To promote and arrange competitions for the game(s) governed and controlled by the Cuesports’ for the benefit of Members of Cuesports including Full, Associate and Individual Members and also for Team(s) and individuals desiring to visit Singapore for such purpose.
  • To seek affiliation to the Regional and International Bodies for the furtherance of the game.
  • To advance and safeguard generally the interest of the game(s) under Cuesports’ governing powers and control, and to employ the funds of Cuesports for this purpose.
  • To select National players, who are Singapore citizens, to represent Singapore and participate in regional and international tournaments. Cuesports Singapore New Constitution (per ROS approval on 10 January 2011) Page 2 of 8
  • To conduct courses and training for players, coaches and referees and if necessary certify and/or upgrade them upon their successful completion of such courses or training.
  • To obtain, collect and receive money and funds by way of contributions, donations and sponsorships, legacies, grants or by any other lawful methods, and if necessary, with prior approval from relevant authorities, for or towards the objects of the Council.

Please click here to download our constitution.