Job opening for High Performance Consultancy

National Sports Association (Main Body for Billiards, Pool & Snooker)

Job opening for High Performance Consultancy


Cuesports Singapore is looking for suitably qualified candidates to provide High Performance Consultancy services .
The scope of work will encompass the following :
a. To review the existing high performance plans/strategy currently in place and to develop a High Performance Plan to be approved by Cuesports Singapore and/or Sport SG and oversee the implementation /execution of the approved plan.

b. The High Performance Plan must encompass the following two aspects namely :
Athlete development pathway ( snooker /pool/billiards)
• Increasing avenues for exposing youth to Cuesports by promoting interest in the sport and increasing the talent pool at various age groups
• Designing a pathway from the time a young talent is identified to the time they represent or are capable of representing the country.
• Development of a training syllabus for different age groups.

Coaching development pathway (snooker/pool/billiards)

• Designing or developing the existing coaching framework.

We are looking for candidates who preferably have experience in or have been involved in at least one or more of the following area(s) :
• Stakeholder involvement/engagement ie as athlete or coach
• Development of certification scheme for talent development
• Athlete support schemes administered by SportSG
• Management of centres of excellence
• Involvement in part of national coaching accreditation programme
• Management or development of technical and theory framework for sports
Note: Whilst familiarity and/or prior involvement with Cuesports is not an essential requirement, it will be a factor to be considered

The consultancy service agreement shall be divided into two stages :
a. Upon engagement, the Consultant shall review existing high performance plans/activities currently in place and develop a High Performance Plan to be approved by Cuesports Singapore within a period of 3 months from commencement of service and concurrently, oversee the implementation of existing high performance plans and/or amendments to such plans as approved by Cuesports Singapore ( Stage 1)

b. Upon satisfactory completion of the services and expiry of the period under Stage 1, Cuesports Singapore shall have the discretion to either
(i) continue with the provision of the consultancy services for a further term of 9 months or such term as may be agreed between the parties or
(ii) offer to convert the consultancy agreement into a contract of service for a term of 9 months or such term as may be agreed between the parties. ( Stage 2)

Candidates are requested when submitting their proposal to indicate their expected fee and/or remuneration for Stage 1 and Stage 2 for consideration. In relation to Stage 1, lump sum fee can be considered in lieu of monthly stage payments.

The Consultant is expected to work with staff and board members designated by Cuesports Singapore in fulfilment of his duties and shall report to the Board of Cuesports Singapore. Performance is based on deliverables.
All plans/products developed by the Consultant shall remain the property of Cuesports Singapore.

Please send your resume/CV to by 3 Sep 2021.